Download PdfAlexandre Escolà Agustí

Alexandre Escolà studied Agricultural Technical Engineering (equivalent to a degree) and Agronomy Engineering (equivalent to a Master Science) at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering of the University of Lleida, Catalonia. In 2010 he obtained his Ph.D. with the thesis entitled “Method for real-time variable rate application of plant protection products in precision horticulture/fruticulture”. In 2001, he was employed as part-time assistant professor and since 2006 as a full-time Professor Col·laborador (equivalent to assistant professor). From 2013 he is a Professor Agregat (equivalent to associate professor) at the same center. His research is carried out in the Research Group on AgroICT & Precision Agriculture (GRAP) of the University of Lleida-Agrotecnio Center. His research lines focuses on electronic characterization of vegetation, especially in fruticulture and viticulture, soil surveying and in Precision Agriculture in general. He is member of the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering and teaches courses of Precision Agriculture, Mechatronics, Computers and Agricultural Robotics at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering and at the Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida.
Publons/ResearcherID: G-5909-2010
ORCID: 0000-0002-9775-5471
SCOPUS: 15073933600
Eduard Gregorio López

Eduard Gregorio López received the B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universitat de Lleida in 2003 and the M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2005. In 2012 he obtained his Ph.D. from the Universitat de Lleida with the thesis entitled ‘Lidar remote sensing of pesticide spray drift’. Since 2009, he has been with the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering, Universitat de Lleida, where he is currently an Assistant Professor and a member of the Research Group in Precision Agriculture (GRAP). His research interests include the use of sensors in agriculture, mechatronics, computer vision in agriculture and electrical engineering.
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ResearcherID: F-8137-2011
ORCID: 0000-0003-0553-1006
SCOPUS: 15834312900
Jordi Llorens Calveras

Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Postdoctoral Researcher, Universitat de Lleida, Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering.
ResearcherID: A-3286-2011
ORCID: 0000-0003-4625-1860
SCOPUS: 26634019000ResearchGate:
Miquel Pascual Roca
Joan Ramon Rosell Polo

Joan Ramon Rosell Polo is a Physicist (M.Sc. degree from the University of Barcelona in 1986 and Ph.D. degree in physics (nuclear engineering) from the Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, in 1989) and Electrical Engineer (Bachelor’s Degree from the Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, in 1997). Since 1986 is a full-time university professor. In 1986, he began his teaching and research activities at the UPC as assistant and associate professor in Nuclear Engineering at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona. In 1992, he started its activities at the University of Lleida (UdL), in the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering, where he is currently full professor in the fields of Agricultural and Electrical Engineering. He has been secretary and later head of the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering. Between 2003 and 2011, he was Vicerector of Professorship in the University of Lleida. His research activities began in the field of energy and environmental radioactivity to later be oriented towards applications of electronics and electrical engineering for food preservation and agriculture. His present research activities and interests include sensors, automation, electronics and electrical engineering applied to Precision Agriculture. His research is carried out in the Research Group on AgroICT & Precision Agriculture (GRAP) ( ) of the University of Lleida-Agrotecnio Center, of which he was coordinator. He has authored more than 60 articles in journals indexed in SCI-JCR in the field of Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Sensors and Instrumentation.
Universitat de Lleida (GREC): GREC-Joan R. Rosell Polo
ResearcherID: D-4547-2009
ORCID: 0000-0001-6746-2830
SCOPUS: 36839827400
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: G Scholar Joan R. Rosell Polo
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